My children used to ask me how I make such perfect chocolate chip cookies. Do I think my perfect chocolate chip cookies are perfect? No, not necessarily, but my children do and my grandchildren, do as well. That is all that really matters to me. However, I will say that many people always tell how much they enjoy my cookies and often ask the same question: "How do you make such perfect chocolate chip cookies?".

They are nearly all perfectly round. They are all nearly perfectly browned, but not over-done, and they are light and fluffy, not flattened and/or crunchy.

I really don't have a huge secret or special recipe that makes the cookies seem so perfect, however, I do have a few things that I'm consistent with when doing my baking, especially for chocolate chip cookies.
First of all, I truly believe that elevation and humidity can play a huge role in how any baking may turn out. It can affect how high your oven temperature should be and potentially how long you may need to bake your goodies. Most importantly for me, I am particular with my ingredients.

I have found that all granulated sugars are not the same. Some can have a larger grain to them, while some can be more fine. Some sugars seems to have more moisture in them than others. Because of these differences, I have found that my cookies can be different when I use different brands.

There can be differences in flour as well, as some are self-rising, some are made for lower elevations, and some have some slightly different consistencies.

Since I can't control the humidity, I try to be consistent with the brand. When I make what seems to my kids as the perfect chocolate chip cookies, I use Domino sugar, and Robin Hood flour.

After mixing the ingredients and preparing the dough for baking, I take the careful time to roll each cookie dough into one inch (1") or slightly smaller size dough balls.

Typically when you bake cookies, especially those calling for baking soda as one of the ingredients (much like the recipe I use does), the cookies will puff up through the baking process. When they are in the last minutes of baking they will tend to flatten out. Therefore, I remove them from the oven in advance of the "flattening" process, just before the cookies is completely baked.

One last little tip that I have for making these seemingly perfect chocolate chip cookies, is that although the recipe calls for the use of butter, I choose to use shortening instead. I'm also particular about the type of shortening. Do I think there is a different in shortening? Not really, I guess I'm just a particular in this department. Butter can often make the cookies tastes more rich, and creamy, but shortening will make them more light and fluffy.

Below is the recipe that I use:

¾ Cups of Domino Granulated Sugar
¾ Cups of Domino Brown Sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream these items together and then add:

2 ¼ Cups of Robin Hood Flour

After it is blended well, fold in semi-sweet chocolate chips by hand.

Roll the dough in 1" balls and place on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned, but not yet flattened. Remove from the oven, let sit on the tray for about 30 seconds before removing to a paper towel to cool. Store in a container that will seal tight, so that the moisture stays with the cookie and doesn't dry out.

Tip: Do not leave on the cookie tray, too long because the cookies will continue to bake on the heated cookie tray.

For more helpful kitchen ideas, visit

For additional helpful hints with kitchen gadgets and baking, visit

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Before I share my original recipe with you, I have to admit that I've used commercial ones. These products are good and, even better, there are many varieties to chooses from. It's comforting to have a jar of sauce on the shelf, yet I miss making my own sauce. I can control the ingredients and love the way the kitchen smells when the sauce is simmering.

Just the other day, an urge to make sauce came over me, and I couldn't shake it. Maybe I felt this way because the sky was dark and the day was gloomy. After checking the pantry, I assembled a few ingredients--a can of tomato puree, a medium-sized onion, and some dried Italian herbs. The sauce was delicious and we had it on spaghetti, with a liberal amount of shredded Parmesan cheese.

I froze the leftover sauce for another day.

That day came sooner than I expected. Family members were coming over for a picnic summer. I planned to grill steak until I saw the meat prices, so it was back to burgers. To make the burgers special I made some barbecue sauce, prepared a bacon, lettuce, tomato and pasta salad, and made a layered casserole of zucchini, sliced onions, frozen corn, and shredded mozzarella cheese.

Thanks to my homemade tomato sauce, the casserole was a hit. Something was different about the sauce, yet the flavor difference was subtle and hard to detect. What was the secret ingredient? It was pepperoni, chopped so finely that the bits disappeared into the liquid. Serve the sauce with your favorite pasta or create a vegetable casserole like I did.

This recipe would make a thoughtful gift for a family member or friend. Ladle it into a tall glass jar or plastic storage dish. Tie a bow around the top. Add a card with the name of the sauce and the date you made it.


2 tablespoons olive oil (I use extra light.)

1 medium yellow onion, chopped

1 28-ounce can tomato puree (I buy the brand with the least salt.)

5 ounces sliced pepperoni, chopped very finely

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon salt (may be omitted)

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon dried basil

1/3 cup flat leaf parsley, chopped


1. Pour olive oil into soup pot and set over medium heat.

2. Add chopped onion and cook, stirring every now and then, until onion bits

are soft and starting to brown.

3. Add all remaining ingredients. Put the lid on the pot and turn heat to lowest setting.

4. Simmer sauce for 1 hour to blend flavors, or transfer to a slow cooker, set the heat on low, and simmer for 5-6 hours. Freeze leftover sauce.

Harriet Hodgson has been a freelancer for 37 years and is the author of 35 books. Her latest: "Happy Again! Your New and Meaningful Life After Loss," "The Family Caregiver's Guide," "Affirmations for Family Caregivers," and "The Family Caregiver's Cookbook." Visit her website to learn more about this busy author and caregiver.

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Losing weight can be hard. Some people manage to shed pounds quickly, while it takes others weeks to lose a couple pounds. Whatever you do, do not resort to diet pills, drugs, or start a crash diet because these can do major damage to your health. What is the best way to lose weight, you ask? Lucky for you, we have a few weight loss hacks to share with you.

Let's be real for a second: you have to work to lose weight. The combination of exercise and a healthy diet is the most effective way to get rid of unwanted pounds. Thinking that the weight will magically fall off doesn't get you anywhere. If you use our herbal hacks, combined with exercise and a healthy diet, you can help your body lose weight naturally.

Disclaimer: The following need to be consumed along with a healthy diet and exercise. You should consume no more than a tablespoon a day. Consuming these with an unhealthy diet and no exercise will not yield the positive weight loss results you seek.


This herb is commonly found in Indian cuisine. It has a signature flavor and bright orange color. If you are inflamed or tend to hold water, turmeric is beneficial for you because it has incredible anti-inflammatory properties. Take a spoonful of turmeric once a day to help speed up your metabolism and aid your body in the weight loss process.

Lemon Juice:

There are many reasons why you should drink lemon juice every day. It alkalizes the body, supports the immune system, and its high vitamin C content is great for helping the body burn fat. You can add lemon juice to your water throughout the day or you can add a spoonful of lemon juice to warm water in the morning for a fresh vitamin C boost!

Apple Cider Vinegar:

We all know that apple cider vinegar is pretty awesome. It can help alkalize the body, improve skin conditions, and it stabilizes blood sugar levels. If your blood sugar levels constantly spike, then you most likely will binge-eat or snack on unhealthy things. Maintaining even blood sugar levels can help you avoid cravings, which will help you lose weight. Add a spoonful of this to your water and drink this once a day.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is one of those ingredients that has an array of benefits. It is a healthy fat that helps to increase your metabolism, it keeps your skin soft and healthy, and it makes you feel full when you eat. If you feel full, then you won't eat as much!


Let's just take a second to appreciate how delicious cinnamon is. Okay, now that we've done that, we can tell you that it has essential minerals that you need every day. If you want to make an all natural weight loss drink, mix a spoonful of cinnamon with a spoonful of raw honey in a cup of hot water. This drink can be consumed whenever you like to get a healthy dose of fiber, which will help improve your digestion.

Raw Honey:

Let's make one thing very clear: Raw organic honey is not the same thing as that processed, sugar-filled honey. While that sugar stuff can give you more sugar than you need in a day with one squeeze, raw honey helps promote healthy digestion. If your digestive system isn't functioning right, it can be hard to lose weight, so add a spoonful of raw honey to your daily diet.


It's thyme to use more of this. Puns aside, fresh thyme is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that help protect the cells in your body. Additionally, thyme is a natural diuretic, which can help release excess water weight and stored toxins in the body. It may be hard to stomach a spoonful of this herb because it is powerful. Instead, you can season your meals with it (it goes great on sautéed veggies).

If you want to burn body fat fast, you need to be doing strength training exercises. The more muscle you have, the more fat you can burn though regular activities. This type of exercise is often avoided by women because they worry that it will make them look bulky.

But strength training, sometimes called resistance training, doesn't have to bulk up your body. It tones your body and helps to build and firm up your muscles. You'll appear thinner and reduce body fat at the same time. Here are 6 types of training exercises that burn fat fast and won't bulk you up.

1. Circuit Training

This is a popular exercise class at gyms and fitness centers. It involves doing a set of exercises for a specific period of time, then moving onto another one without resting. It's a good way to burn fat using both cardio exercise and strength training.

2. Isometric Weight Training

This is where you use weights by holding them at specific angles for a short period. This kind of training can be done without weights. For example, doing planks.

3. High Volume Exercising

This kind of exercise routine results in long, lean muscles. It involves exercising one muscle group per week. This gives the muscle groups sufficient time to recover allowing for the best and most efficient building of strength without bulking you up.

4. Body Weight Training

Using your own body to provide resistance during exercise will build your strength and muscles which will also burn fat off your body. The great thing about body weight training is that you can mix it with cardio for increased results.

5. Cardio Plus Strength Training Combined

You can generally exercise for half the time by combining strength and cardio exercise in creative ways and burn more calories. This can seriously blast fat away. Also, you can burn fat by doing the exercises separately. The strength training builds muscle, which burns more fat, and the cardio burns fat.

6. Core Exercises

Doing core training exercises will help your body become a fat burning furnace. The better shape your core is in, the better your fitness level will be and the more fat you'll burn.

Burning fat through strength training exercises is a two-pronged tactic. You'll need to combine strength training with some sort of cardiovascular exercise for it to be the most effective and to avoid having bulky muscles.

Do you want to know more on how to lose unwanted body fat? Are you confused about healthy eating and do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? For nutritional tips, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please visit

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If you are someone who cares about health a lot and you only want to eat healthy foods, you may feel challenged when it comes to knowing what you actually need to do to reach your goal. Your intention may be good but it is easy to get side tracked. We should always put ourselves on a mission to go shopping for the right food with a healthy snack list on mind. Bad habits develop quickly and become like viruses in our diet causing bad health in what we are choosing to eat. However, you don't need to worry about this at all, because in the following information you will be able to find the right snack list to keep you on track.

If any of the suggestions on this snack list are not to your liking you can change them to something similar which may give the same results. So let's start with nuts.


Nuts should definitely be on your healthy snack list because they are very filling, as well as with many other benefits. There are some people who think that nuts will gain weight which is not so. You would have to totally over-indulge for this to happen. One of the advantages of nuts is that they contain good amounts of omega 3 fatty acids which have many benefits, as well protection from heart disease. If you want to eat nuts on a daily basis, make sure you don't go overboard. A role of thumb: A hand full of mixed nuts or any to your choosing would be an average measure.

Dried Fruits

Hopefully you will also consider dried fruits as part of your healthy snack list. Dates, figs, apricots and raisins don't have the water content that fresh fruits have, so they are not as filling. However, they can last for a very long time without getting stale and they contain a lot of the nutrition you can find in dried fruits. In terms of calories, a small box of raisins has about hundred and thirty calories and zero fat.

Fresh Fruit

Did you know that all fruits are low in fat, are filling and nutritional? For example, a medium size apple or pear has just sixty calories. If you eat a cup of strawberries, you will have eaten around fifty calories, with the same amount of blueberries comes down at forty calories: Definitely a tasty snack to include on your healthy snack list.

Frozen Fruit Bars

If you like them, then you should only look for bars made from real fruits. You will find them in many flavours, like mango, kiwi, pineapple and many more. What's even greater news is that they have zero fat and about one hundred calories.

Single-Serving Soups

If you love soups, than look for an eight ounce serving that has no more than four hundred and eighty milligrams sodium. According to nutrition guide lines, it's easy to find a nutritious cup of soup with one hundred to two hundred calories, which is a healthy food you can consider anytime you feel like having some.

As you can see, these are just some of the delicious ideas you can consider if you want to make sure you will eat healthy. However, there are many other foods you can have on your healthy snack list, so you don't have to worry about being limited only to these foods. For some it is most difficult to overcome that craving for food, but the right type of snacking helps most of the time. Should this problem consist the other option would be to use an advanced technology natural supplement to stop that craving and at the same time this will help fat loss. More information on this is available. I hope these few ideas are of some help and you can enjoy a lasting healthy lifestyle.

My name is Josef Bichler. I have a passion for wellness and showing others how to live healthy lives. I have corrected my own health problems with the use of alternatives only. I have helped many others to achieve their health objectives through lifestyle changes. Recommending the right supplementation, and through understanding the benefits of selecting foods to fix the problem. For more ongoing health information subscribe to my free weekly newsletter; this also gives you the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you may have, as well download my free e-book to help making better food  choices

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 One pound of fat -- is equal to 3,500 calories. By shaving 500 calories a day through dietary and exercise modifications, you can lose about a pound a week. If you only need to maintain your current weight, shaving 100 calories a day is enough to avoid the extra 1-2 pounds most adults gain each year.